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Charles Kecskeméti

The IIAS – International Institute for Archival Sciences of Trieste and Maribor, taking into account:

- that ANAI (Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana) is currently organizing from March 14th to 19th, 2016, a week of events by the name of “Inspired by Archives”, aiming to highlight and stress the role and importance of the Italian archival documentation;
- that the thousands kilometers of documents preserved in the Italian archives, both public and private, represent a world common heritage and an unique cultural assets;
- that the extreme and basic importance of assuring a complete and safe preservation and enhancing of such a basic documentation, and its full availability to users, is a matter of crucial importance,

warmly welcomes the above mentioned commendable initiative, hereby stating a full and complete solidarity and support, and wishing its most complete and profitable success.

Dr. Charles Kecskeméti
Honorary President of the Assembly of IIAS Members
Former Secretary General of the International Council on Archives

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  • Località: Antony