Miroslav Novak

The IIAS – International Institute for Archival Sciences of Trieste and Maribor, taking into account:

- that ANAI (Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana) is currently organizing from March 14th to 19th, 2016, a week of events by the name of “Inspired by Archives”, aiming to highlight and stress the role and importance of the Italian archival documentation;
- that the thousands kilometers of documents preserved in the Italian archives, both public and private, represent a world common heritage and an unique cultural assets;
- that the extreme and basic importance of assuring a complete and safe preservation and enhancing of such a basic documentation, and its full availability to users, is a matter of crucial importance,

warmly welcomes the above mentioned commendable initiative, hereby stating a full and complete solidarity and support, and wishing its most complete and profitable success.

Novak Miroslav Ph.D., Assistan Professor, archival councillor